Category Archives: Events
2012 4th Annual Ukulele Picnic in Hawai`i

Bravo! Ukulele Picnic in Hawai`i 2011 – We Love Ukulele! We Love Hawai`i! We Love People!
Thousands of ukulele lovers from around the world enjoyed "3rd Annual Ukulele Picnic in Hawai`i" at Kaka'ako Waterfront Park. Despite of storm and heavy rain warning all over the island, the picnic site was blessed with beautiful sky throughout the day. The organizing committee has put up a huge tent so people can escape from heavy rain, but it was only used to provide nice shaded area to avoid strong sunshine. People enjoyed endless music, ono food, Hawaiian crafts, and breathtaking 360 degree view of Hawaiian ocean, city, mountains. Keiki's enjoyed inflatables and cardboard more info